
The config file for peertube-viewer-rs can be placed

Linux$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/peertube-viewer-rs/config.toml or $HOME/.config/peertube-viewer-rs/config.toml


The config file is written in TOML An example of config file with all configuration option showed is available lower or can be obtained with peertube-viewer-rs --print-full-example-config



Configuration for peertube-viewer-rs general behavior


Set the behavior for nsfw content. It can be:

  • "block": block all nsfw content
  • "tag": the default, add a red nsfw tag next to the video
  • "let": treat nsfw content the same

This relies on the videos being properly tagged by the instance.


Set whether output should be colored options:

  • "enable": the default
  • "disable"


Set whether the --select-quality flag is enabled by default

  • true
  • false: the default


Set the editing mode. This allows the use of either vi or emacs keybinds. If you don't know what it is you don't need to worry about this option.

  • "emacs": the default
  • "vi"


Set the browser to use when opening items with the :browser command. If this variable isn't set, the BROWSER environment variable is used. If the environment variable isn't available, Firefox is the default


Set the User-Agent string to be used when making http requests. If can be a string, which will be used as is, or a boolean (false means remove the User-Agent header).

Defaults to: peertube-viewer-rs/<version>


nsfw = "block"
colors = "enable"
select-quality = true
edit-mode = "vi"
browser = "qutebrowser"
user-agent = false


Configuration for the player

The videos are played with the command: player <player-args> <url>.


Sets the command for the player, it is expected to be a string


Sets the arguments for the player, it is expected to be an array of strings


Set whether the --use-raw-urls flag is enabled by default

  • true
  • false: the default


Peertube has support for live streaming. Some regular videos are also made available through hls.

This settings tells peertube-viewer which one it should prefer if both are available.

  • false
  • true: the default

Note: this option doesn't do anything if either select-quality is true or if use-raw-urls is false


command = "vlc"
args = ["--no-audio", "-f"]
use-raw-urls = true
prefer-hls = false


Sets the command for the torrent downloader, it is expected to be a string


Sets the arguments for the torrent downloader, it is expected to be an array of strings


command = "transmission-remote"
args = ["-a"]


Instance settings


The search engine to be used ( is the default)


The main instance to be connected to, it is expected to be a string. It is incompatible with the search-engine option. The difference with the search engine option is that all API requests will be made through the same instance.


  • blocklist: an array of strings of instances to be blocked
  • allowlist: an array of strings of instances to be allowed

Both can't be present at the same time. When blocklist is present, no video from the instances listed will be shown. When allowlist is present, only videos from the instances listed will be shown.

Full configuration

This is an example of all configuration options that can be set


# available options: block, tag(add a nswf tag to search results), let(do nothing)
# default is tag
nsfw = "block"

# enable or disable, defaults to enable
colors = "disable"

# can be true or false
select-quality = true

# can be emacs or vi, defaults to emacs
edit-mode = "vi"

# If this option isn't present, the "BROWSER" environment variable is used
# If it isn't set, the default is Firefox
browser = "qutebrowser"

# Change the User-Agent used for requests
# Defaults to peertube-viewer-rs/<verion>
# false instead of a string removes the user agent
user-agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:79.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/79.0"

command = "mpv"
args = ["--volume=30"]

# can be true or false
use-raw-urls = true

# can be true or false
# When use-raw-urls is true and this is true, peertube-viewer will prioritize hls
# versions of videos instead of the static files for a given resolution
# This option is overrided to false when select-quality is given
prefer-hls = false

main = ""

# peertube-viewer supports using sepiasearch
# search-engine = ""

# allowlist = [""]
blocklist = [""]

command = "transmission-remote"
args = ["-a"]